The Saturn V Story观看

The Saturn V Story

又名:Saturn V: il razzo lunare
主演: David Baker  Nigel Bannister  Mike Cruise  Anu Ojha 
导演: 艾略特·威弗  赞德·威弗 
类型:纪录片 , 历史
介绍:欢迎在线观看由 David Baker  Nigel Bannister  Mike Cruise  Anu Ojha  等主演的纪录片片《The Saturn V Story》, 别名:Saturn V: il razzo lunare, 影视集合第一时间为你提供《The Saturn V Story》,如果你喜欢《The Saturn V Story》请把它分享给的朋友,有您们的支持我们会做的更好。祝你观片愉快! 剧情简介: In 1961, when President Kennedy pledged to put a man on the Moon by the end of the decade, no rocket existed with the power or capability to rise to the challenge. In order to win the race to *****, the United States would need to establish a multi-billion dollar ***** program. One man; Werner Von Braun, believed he had the knowledge and vision to make Kennedy's dream a reality...  看最新电影上影视集合影院(
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