Recycling Medea: Not an Opera Ballet Film观看

Recycling Medea: Not an Opera Ballet Film

又名:Anakyklonontas tin Mideia
主演: Bella Oelmann  安德烈·赫尼克  Maria Kousouni  Danilo Zeka 
导演: Asteris Kutulas 
类型:纪录片 , 音乐
地区:德国 , 希腊
语言:德语 , 英语 , 希腊语
介绍:欢迎在线观看由 Bella Oelmann  安德烈·赫尼克  Maria Kousouni  Danilo Zeka  等主演的纪录片片《Recycling Medea: Not an Opera Ballet Film》, 别名:Anakyklonontas tin Mideia, 影视集合第一时间为你提供《Recycling Medea: Not an Opera Ballet Film》,如果你喜欢《Recycling Medea: Not an Opera Ballet Film》请把它分享给的朋友,有您们的支持我们会做的更好。祝你观片愉快! 剧情简介: Not just a music film. Not just a ballet film. Not just a political film essay. Here, an antique Greek tragedy serves as an astute metaphor for the country's current tragedy. Medea kills her own children. Society has turned against its offspring and thus kills their future. The balletic retelling of a mother murdering her two kids, choreographed by Renato Zanello, is based on E...  看最新电影上影视集合影院(
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