Hard Problems: The Road to the World's Toughest Math Contest观看

Hard Problems: The Road to the World's Toughest Math Contest

Hard Problems: The Road to the World's Toughest Math Contest

主演: 扎克瑞·阿贝尔  Zeb Brady  Ryan Ko  Yi Sun 
导演: George Paul Csicsery 
介绍:欢迎在线观看由 扎克瑞·阿贝尔  Zeb Brady  Ryan Ko  Yi Sun  等主演的片《Hard Problems: The Road to the World's Toughest Math Contest》, 影视集合第一时间为你提供《Hard Problems: The Road to the World's Toughest Math Contest》,如果你喜欢《Hard Problems: The Road to the World's Toughest Math Contest》请把它分享给的朋友,有您们的支持我们会做的更好。祝你观片愉快! 剧情简介: Hard Problems is about the extraordinary gifted students who represented the United States in 2006 at the world s toughest math competition: The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO). It is the story of six American high school students who competed with 500 others from 90 countries in Ljublijana, Slovenia. The film shows the dedication and perseverance of these remarkably ...  看最新电影上影视集合影院(www.ysjihe2.com)
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